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  • Writer's pictureLydia Metzger

My Favorite Music Podcasts!

Anyone else out there as podcast addicted as I am? On my Stitcher App, I currently have 972 listening hours logged - it's pretty much a daily occurrence for me.

I generally enjoy a variety of podcasts. I tend to like pop culture, history, interviews with interesting people, lifestyle and health. But I do really enjoy getting a healthy dose of inspiration from musicians in various walks of life. Today I'm highlighting three of my favorite podcasts that are related to music education and performance.

Teach Suzuki with Paula E. Bird

-Teach Suzuki is one of my most recent additions to my weekly podcast list, and I know I'll be coming back again and again. Each week, the host talks through actionable tips that are useful for teachers and parents as they navigate Suzuki violin lessons. Many of her stories and topics I find incredibly relatable. The most recent take-away I've gained from her is on the topic of how to talk to students when they complain that their task is 'too hard'. I find with my own students that while sometimes they do really feel that their task is 'too hard', so often that is just an excuse for not really wanting to do the work and do the thing. Paula talks about, instead of making excuses, telling the student that they can indeed do 'hard things'. What an empowering way to navigate the tough task. More information about Paula and her podcast can be found at

Beyond the Music Lesson

- I've been listening to Beyond the Music Lesson for almost a year now. What I especially enjoy about this podcast is the inspiring interviews with music educators from all over the country. After listening to an episode, I always come away excited to implement a new technique or idea in my own studio. The hosts also have relatable tips of their own from their studios, which I find very helpful. Along with that, they often site resources and books which leads me down a rabbit hole of book recommendations. More information can be found at

The Mind Over Finger Podcast

- Mind Over Finger is a relatively new podcast, having just started its second season. Host Renée-Paule Gauthier is a college professor based in Chicago, and so I find her interviews often have her students in mind. She interviews professional musicians (not only violinists!), all of whom have vastly different and inspiring careers. I'll often come away with a new idea for how to practice my etudes or scales, or a new way to look at my career. This is an immensely wonderful podcast.

I hope you find some new inspiration for your studio or your practice session today! Let me know what some of your favorite podcasts are!

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